Sunday, January 26, 2020

Manufacturing and storage of Khoa

Manufacturing and storage of Khoa ABSTRACT Khoa is a traditional dairy product which is produced in India by both organized and unorganized sector. It is the base for various traditional sweets manufactured in India. Apart from the traditional method of manufacturing khoa many methods were developed recently for the manufacture and storage of it. In the present essay I had mentioned about various technologies available for manufacture and storage of khoa. INTRODUCTION According to the National Dairy Development Board, India the annual production of milk during the year 2007-2008 is 104.8 million tonnes. India has two types of sectors for the marketing of milk and its products, one is organized sector and another is unorganized sector. The unorganized sector accounts for 88% of total milk production in India and it includes marketing of raw milk and traditional products such as locally manufactured ghee, fresh cheese, and sweets. The organized sector accounts for 10-12% of total milk production in India and it includes the dairy cooperatives and organized private dairies which produces Western-style dairy processed products based on pasteurization. The share of organized sector in the total milk production handling is increasing by the years (FAO, 2002).In India out of all dairy products consumed traditional products account for over 90 percent. In order to protect the surplus milk from spoilage simple processes were developed to produce products like curds (yoghurt-like fermented product), Makkhan (butter), Khoa (desiccated milk product), Chhana and Paneer (soft cottage cheese-like cultured product) and Ghee (clarified butter) (FAO, 2001). And nearly 7% of milk produced in India is converted to khoa (ICMR, 2000). KHOA MANUFACTURING PROCESS In India khoa is traditionally manufactured by continuous boiling of milk in a shallow iron or stainless steel vessel to remove moisture and the process continues till the total solid level is attained in the range of 65 to 72% (Pal and Raju, 2006). As per the Prevention of Food Adulteration (PFA), India (1955) rules, khoa sold by whatever variety or name such as Pindi, Danedar, Dhap, Mawa, or Kava which is obtained from cow or buffalo (or goat or sheep) milk or milk solids or a combination there of by rapid desiccation and having not less than 30 per cent milk fat on dry weight basis. The Bureau of Indian Standards has given the requirements for three types of khoa, viz. Pindi, Danedar and Dhap in terms of total solids, fat, ash, acidity, coliforms and yeast and mold counts (Indian Standard (IS): 4883, 1980). A minimum fat level of 5.5 in buffalo milk is required to achieve the PFA standard. Khoa has been categorized into three major groups i.e. Pindi (for Burfi, Peda), Dhap (Gulabj amun) and Danedar (Kalakand) on the basis of composition, texture and end use. KHOA MANUFACTURING PROCESS CHEMICAL ASPECTS Khoa contain 75-80% moisture, 25-37% fat, 17 -20% protein, 22-25% lactose, and 3.6-3.8% ash (Aneja et al. 2002).The milk is subjected to high heat temperature during the manufacture of khoa which initiates number of physico-chemical changes resulting in characteristics sensory, textural and structural properties in khoa. The continuous heating will reduce water activity, inactivates various milk enzymes and destroy pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms apart from development of desirable flavors and texture. The heating process promotes the denaturation and coagulation of milk proteins and the process is more rapid due to frothing and incorporation of air by continuous stirring (Sindhu et al. 2000). The disruption of fat globule membrane and subsequent release of free fat that account for 44.8-62.8 percent of total fat in khoa occurs due to vigorous agitation during heating process of milk (Mann and Gupta, 2006). Adhikari et al. (1994) has studied the interaction between milk macrom olecules during heating of buffalo milk using Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and observed casein-casein, casein-whey protein and casein-lactose interaction with gradual heating of milk. The khoa made with buffalo milk and milk of high total solid will have more brown colour in the end product and this is due to browning reactions (Gothwal and Bhavdasan1992). Patil et al. (1992) has investigated khoa microstructure using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and revealed that khoa consists of larger protein granules made up of partially fused casein micelles and non-micellar proteins. They also observed reduction in the size of protein granules and inter-granular space during working or agitation of khoa manufacture process and it also resulted in large amount of fat globules membrane fractions. FACTORS AFFECTING KHOA QUALITY Type of milk: Buffalo milk is generally used instead of cow milk for the manufacture of khoa due to its higher yield, softer body and smooth texture. The khoa manufactured from cow milk have dry surface, yellow colour, sticky and sandy texture (Pal and Gupta, 1985). Amount of free fat: An optimum amount of free fat is necessary for desirable body and textural properties of khoa(Boghra and Rajorhia ,1982). Total solid level: There is significant positive correlation between total solid level milk and instrumental hardness, gumminess and chewiness of khoa (Gupta et al., 1990). Working of Khoa: The formation of large lactose crystals can be reduced through working of khoa when compared to un-worked khoa and working results in no perceived sandiness upon storage. EQUIPMENTS USED IN KHOA MANUFACTURING PROCESS   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Khoa is generally manufactured by halwais in jacketed kettles, which has several disadvantages like poor and inconsistent quality and limited shelf life of about 5 days at 30 °C (International Conference on Traditional Dairy Foods, 2007).Most attempts made for up-gradation of the technology of khoa are directed towards mechanization of the process and developing continuous khoa making plants (Aneja et al., 2002). Agrawala et al. (1987) has developed mechanized conical process vat for preparation of khoa. It consists of a stainless steel conical vat with a cone angle of 60 ° and steam-jacket partitioned into 4-segments for efficient use of thermal energy and less heat loss.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Due its batch type of operation, it is suitable only for making limited quantities of the product. National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) which is situated at Anand (Gujarat), India has developed an Inclined Scraped Surface Heat Exchanger (ISSHE) for continuous manufacture of khoa (Punjrath et al., 1990). Concentrated milk of 42 to 45% total solids is used as feed in this machine and its inclination permits the formation of a pool of boiling milk critical to formation of khoa. Thin Film Scraped Surface Heat Exchanger (TSSHE) system has developed by Dodeja et al. (1992) at NDRI for the continuous manufacture of khoa and it consists of two Scraped Surface Heat Exchangers (SSHE) which are arranged in a cascade fashion. In this machine milk is concentrated in first SSHE to about 40-45% Total Solids and finally to khoa in the second SSHE. But feed for this unit is buffalo milk and thus rendering it suitable for organized small and large dairies and entrepr eneurs which is not in the case of Inclined Scraped Surface Heat Exchanger.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The capacity of both TSSHE and SSHE is about 50 kg khoa per hour and many organized dairies have adopted these continuous khoa making machines. Three-stage continuous khoa manufacture unit has been developed by Christie and Shah (1992). It has three jacketed cylinders placed in a cascade arrangement which helps in easy transfer of milk from one cylinder in to other and it works as heat exchanger. The heat exchangers are installed with a mechanism of providing inclination and the slope allows the movement of the contents in longitudinal direction. The unit has a variable pulley drive which helps in speed adjustment and it is highly bulky requiring too much flooring area. (Pal and Cheryan, 1987) and (Kumar and Pal, 1994) have implemented Reverse osmosis (RO) technique for the manufacture of khoa from cow milk and buffalo milk respectively. This process comprises pre-concentration of milk (2.5-fold for cow milk and 1.5-fold for buffalo milk) using RO proc ess followed by desiccation in a steam-jacketed open pan for the manufacture of khoa.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The final product obtained by this membrane process was found to be identical to the conventionally prepared product. This process saves energy during the initial concentration of milk. In order to make this process continuous jacketed pan should be replace with SSHE. Different workers incorporated whey solids in the form of whey protein concentrate (WPC) in the milk and reported that increased addition of WPC in the milk resulted in large granulation in khoa and increased yield (Dewani and Jayaprakasha, 2002). FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY MANAGEMENT ISSUES DURING KHOA STORAGE   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Due to higher nutrients and high water activity (.96),Khoa is easily Susceptible to growth of bacteria. Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus are the main contaminating micro organisms in khoa and they cause many food-borne diseases. To prevent and reduce microbiological hazard from khoa HACCP should be applied. The microbial quality of Khoa is initially good during production time and it will gradually deteriorate during storage and marketing. The main Critical Control Point for the deterioration was identified as airtight packaging. This problem can be solved through changing the packaging material to muslin cloth which allows free air flow, reduced the microbial proliferation (ICMR, 2000). METHODS TO INCREASE STORAGE LIFE OF KHOA   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The storage life of khoa is only two to three days, under ambient conditions, and 15-20 days under refrigerated conditions (Ramzan and Rahman, 1973). Rancidity is one of the reason which deteriorates quality of khoa and it adversely a?ects storage life of khoa (Bashir et al., 2003).Addition of potassium sorbate e?ectively improves the storage life of khoa at higher temperatures. Jha and Verma(1988) have observed increased storage stability of khoa for 40 days by addition of potassium sorbate. Other workers also stated that the storage life of khoa can be enhanced by using di?erent types of food preservatives and antimicrobial agents (Wadhawa et al., 1993). At elevated temperatures the storage stability of freshly prepared khoa can be adversely a?ected. By measuring free fatty acids, peroxide value and iodine value we can determine storage stability of khoa. The free fatty acid, peroxide and iodine values for freshly prepared khoa were 0.025%, 0.38 meq/ kg and 80, respectively. The increase in free fatty acid and peroxide value and decrease in iodine value are the indicators of development of rancidity in khoa during three months of storage at elevated temperature. By adding BHA and BHT we can retard the development of rancidity in khoa on storage. But, BHT will act comparitively better than BHA. Therefore, we can increase the storage stability of khoa by adding synthetic antioxidants like BHA and BHT at elevated temperatures (Rehman and Salariya, 2005). CONCLUSION   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although so many technologies are developed for the production and storage of khoa, there is a still a need of investigation of chemical and physical aspects during manufacturing of khoa in order to understand factors responsible for quality. And all the known technologies of manufacturing of khoa should be transferred to small holder farmers who are the major contributors of milk production in India .So that they can increase their prices of products by producing products which will meet the modern quality standards. REFERENCES: Adhikari.A.K., Mathur.O.N. and Patil.G.R. (1994). Interrelationships among Instron textural parameters, composition and microstructure of khoa and gulabjamun made from buffalo milk, Journal of Food Science and Technology, 31 (4) .pp.279-284. Agrawala .S. P., Sawhney.I. K. and Bikram Kumar. (1987). Mechanized conical process vat. Patent No. 165440. Aneja.R. P.,Mathur.B. N., Chandan.R. C.,and Banerjee.A. K.(2002). Technology of Indian milk products, 1st Ed.,Dairy India Year Book, Delhi.pp.126-128. Bashir.N. Rehman. Z. U., Syed. Q. Kashmiri.M. A. (2003). Effect of potassium sorbate on the physicochemical characteristics of milk concentrate (khoa) during different storage conditions. Pakistan Journal of Scientific Research, 55.pp. 103-109. Boghra.V. R. and Rajorhia.G.S. (1982). Utilization of pre-concentrated milk for khoa making, Asian Journal of Dairy Research. 1.pp.6 -12. Christie. I. S. and Shah,.U. S. (1992). Development of a three stage khoa making machine. Indian Dairyman.44 (1).pp. 1 4. Dewani. P. P. and Jayaprakasha. H. M. (2002). Effect of addition of whey protein concentrate on physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of khoa and khoa based sweets, Journal of Food Science and Technology.39 (5).pp.502 506. Dodeja.A. K., Abichandani. H., Sarma.S. C. and Pal.D. (1992). Continuous khoa making system design, operation and performance, Indian Journal of Dairy Science. 45(12).pp. 671 674. FAO.(2001).Report on the FAO E-mail Conference on Small-scale Milk Collection and Processing in Developing Countries. Chapter 3, pp .15. FAO. (2003).A Review of Milk Production in India with Particular Emphasis on Small-Scale Producers,pp.6. FAO. (2002). Annex I: Critical issues for poor people in the Indian dairy sector on the thresold of a new era. Gothwal.P.P. and Bhavadasan.M. K. (1992). Studies on the browning characteristics in dairy products, Indian Journal of Dairy Science, 45 (3).pp. 146-151 Gupta. S.K., Patil.G.R., Patel. A.A., Garg.F.C. and Rajorhia.G.S. (1990). Instron texture profile parameters of khoa as influenced by composition, Journal of Food Science and Technology, 27 (4).pp. 209-213 Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). (2000). Application of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point for improvement of quality of processed foods,Vol. 30, No. 5. International Conference on Traditional Dairy Foods. (2007). National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal (India), pp. 29. Jha.Y. K. Verma.N. S. (1988). Effect of potassium sorbate on the shelf life of khoa, Asian Journal of Dairy Research, 7.pp. 195-198. Kumar. S. and Pal.D. (1994) . 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Saturday, January 18, 2020

My daughter smokes Essay

We often think that refering people to supporting groups is enough to quit smoking, however how about if instead we educate them so that they won’t even start smoking as walker mention â€Å"peace on earth begins at home†, meaning that we need to educate our children and surrounding about smoking and its concecuenses. Smoking not only causes health problems, it can also cause economic problems, and can harm those around you. Smoking can have many negative impacts regarding your health it can cause bronchitis, pneumonia, and emphysema. According to the center for disease control and prevention â€Å"smoking causes 1 in 5 strokes in the United States†, Menaning that a person that smokes has a higher risk of having a painful and agonizing death compare to a non-smoker person. Smoking can harm not only you but also those arounfd you. People who smoke in public make choicea for others. for example, when you smoke around a 5 year old tou are basically making a choice for them making them a second hand smoker. Also, when you start suffering smoking consequences you dont do it alone because you family will suffer along with you. In addition, smoking can not only cause health problems but economically as well. A packet of cigarettes cost o8.75 an avarage smoker smokes about 2 packets a day, which will make an average of 3200 to 6400 per year.this money can be used for food and or clothing. Also, because of the health problems that smoking will cause, smokers smokers will have to spend a alot of money on health care. In conclusion, we need to educate our familiar, and friends regarding smoking. Smoking its a very additive habit that will make you nicoti e dependent. Therefore when you try to quit it comes with withdrawal symptoms, to avoid withdrawal symtomps from smoking the best choice is to never start. Smoking will not only damege your health it will also damage you economically, and also thos around you.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Secret of Essay Proposal Outline That Nobody Is Discussing

The Secret of Essay Proposal Outline That Nobody Is Discussing It's important to keep in mind that evidence isn't anecdote or private knowledge you merely chance to possess on a particular subject. In many instances, the structure of the thesis proposal will be contingent on the topic matter of the thesis and your field of study. Research is among the most critical elements of essay writing, besides providing you with material to strengthen your claims it also intends to help you debunk opponents' arguments. Essays, in the same way as any other school assignment, carry some quantity of stress regardless of what it is. For instance, the introduction and the conclusion is going to be provided to you. A thesis proposal is a brief document that explains what the thesis that you want to write will be about, what kind of research you'd do in order to write this, and what kind of problem you're trying to solve by writing it. A thesis statement isn't a statement of fact. Take be aware that although it's supplied for free, you might wind up paying for it if you're idle. Describe the background of the organisation by offering a brief description on the company and the communication strategy you plan on implementing. There are a number of things that you must include in a research proposal in order to provide your supervisor a very good comprehension of the approach that you would like to take in your research. Anyway, you'll certainly like our price policy. Don't stress yourself out because you are able to get a research proposal from us and rest confident that the result will fulfill your expectations! The report implies that the possibility of default is quite low if a trade solution is utilized by the customer. You must always stay focused on the issue, avoiding too many details on minor troubles. It's also imperative that you note other prospective solutions to your problem in addition to any prospective pitfalls of your proposal. Outside of an educational setting, proposal essays are usually only written as a way of solving an issue, or showing one potential approach to address an issue. As an example, David Modler produced a collage named Big Bug to symbolize the irony that's the value of insects to our normal world in comparison to their size. You could also see absolutely free outline templates. The template are simple to customize. There are numerous outline templates that you're able to download from the web free of c harge. There are high excellent sample outline templates that you may download at no cost and use to compose your outline. If you've been requested to compose your essay in APA format, you have to know the principal features of APA format. If you're struggling with selecting essay topics or writing it, here is the best solution. The word abstract must be at the surface of the page in all-capital letters. Informative essay examples may be used for references. Interest about a topic produces a huge difference in essay writing and it determines the quantity of work you're prepared to put, to create the essay a good one. The thesis statement functions as the focus of your paper. First of all, you must talk about the precise topic that you wish to cover in your research paper. Proposal page three is something which ought to be banned because it's an outdated characteristic of the newspaper which blatantly goes against the essence of the paper as stated by its publishers. The aim of the project research proposal is to showcase the and justify the should conduct a project research and the practical way s the project research should be put into place. Making a customized research proposal might be really really hard for inexperienced students, but for us, it is as simple as 1,2,3! You don't want to select a topic which is too broad, or that there are too many distinct solutions for. To improve you should demonstrate fundamental small business knowledge by further research. Essay outline acts as a spine for writing essays. Essays are able to look very dull sometimes. Writing a proposal isn't simple. What follows are just a couple of proposal essay topicsthat would result in good proposal essays. Research and writing the undertaking can't start until the proposal was approved. It is very important to realize that the thesis proposal is really an extremely brief thesis. Every thesis proposal will be different slightly. You could also be requested to compose your paper in MLA format. With essay outline, essays will protect against writer to get off topic or jumping from 1 argument to some other argument that doesn't relate with what it is that you are discussing. Despite the fact that it might appear complicated to you now, as soon as you learn to structure the argumentative essay outline correctly, it is going to become easier. Now you know how to produce the argumentative essay outline correctly, you're prepared to get started working on your assignment.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Heroin Is A Dangerous Drug Essay - 888 Words

There is no cookie cutter heroin user. In fact, many of heroin’s newest addicts are in their teens or early 20s; many also come from middle- or upper-middle-class suburban families. Heroin is a dangerous drug that has many different â€Å"street names† such as Smack, Mud, Dope, Dragon, and Junk. The scientific names are diacetylmorphine or morphine diacetate, also known as diamorphine. In the United States alone, there are 1.2 million people who are using heroin. 600,000 of those users are addicted to heroin and use 150 to 250 milligrams on a daily basis. 700,000 Americans are needing treatment but are not receiving it. Heroin is more deadly than car accidents. From 2001 to 2014 there was a five-hundred percent increase in the total number of deaths. Although injection of the drug has declined, smoking has increased because the cost of clean needles has gone up and to newer users it is easier. While the popularity of Heroin in the United States of America has grown, Florida and California have the most heroin seized by law enforcement. Diacetylmorphine was first synthesized in 1874 by C. R. Wright. an English chemist working at St. Mary s Hospital Medical School in London. He had been experimenting with combining morphine with various acids and sent it off to be analyzed. Although C. R. Wright invented heroin, it was 23 years later when it became popular. Felix Hoffman was a scientist at Bayer, who was instructed by his supervisor to make codeine, which would be less addictiveShow MoreRelatedHeroin Is A Dangerous Drug992 Words   |  4 Pages Heroin is known as an opium drug and is injected directly into a person’s view. It is common knowledge that heroin is a dangerous drug. Philip Seymour Hoffman is just one of countless people who have died from using heroin. The articles that came out after Hoffman died of an overdose suggest a rising heroin epidemic. 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